7th International Congress on Information and Communication Technology in concurrent with ICT Excellence Awards (ICICT 2022) will be held at London, United Kingdom | February 21- 24 2022. ICICT 2022 in this 7th year is associated with Brunel business school to organise Executive Training Program on 22nd of February 2022 co located with ICICT 2022.
Title of the Programme: Multi-Stakeholder and Practice Based Perspectives Toward Sustainable Digital Governance
Date of the event: 22 FEBRUARY 2022
Duration and Content of the Event : 5 hour training and workshop on Sustainable Use of Digital Technology – delivered Physical / Digital Modes.
Venue - Brunel Business School, London, United Kingdom
9:30 AM | Registration open |
10:00 AM – 11:30 AM | Session 1 by - By Dr. Bidit Dey |
11:30 AM – 11:45 AM | Networking Tea / Coffee break OR Virtual Happy Hour Break |
11:45 AM – 12:45 PM | Session 2 by - By Professor Habin Lee |
12:45 PM – 01:30 PM | Networking Lunch OR Virtual Happy Hour Break |
01:30 PM – 2:30 PM | Session 3 by - by Professor Afshin Mansouri |
2:30 PM – 02:45 PM | Networking Tea / Coffee break OR Virtual Happy Hour Break |
02:45 PM – 4:15 PM | Session 4 by - by Dr. Manoj Dora |
4:15 PM | Followed by Closing Remarks |
Suggestive Content and Facilitators:
The core theme of the four sessions circles around sustainability and digital governance. The sessions will shed lights on three key areas: how digital culture is evolving within the society, how it can be applied within an organisation in a sustainable manner and how the application can link with various internal and external stakeholders. In so doing, the four sessions will present and critically discuss and analyse a number of novel ideas and projects that will benefit researchers and practitioners to comprehend the current and future challenges and opportunities pertaining to sustainable digital governance.
Session - 1
Introduction to and Analysis of Digital Governance from Social and Consumer Perspectives :
This session will introduce the key speakers and provide an overview of digital consumer culture to highlight the fundamental shift in consumer lives due to the huge uptake of digital technology. By drawing on evidence from research led publications and practical examples the session will explain the key characteristics of digital consumer culture and delve into relevant managerial implications. There will be a particular focus on how digital consumer culture links with sustainable market operations.

By Dr. Bidit Dey [ Expert in Digital Innovation and Customer Engagement] -Bidit is a Reader in Marketing and the Head of Executive Education, Alumni Relations and Stakeholder Engagement. Bidit has a sustained record of high-quality teaching, evidenced through student feedback and peer observation. He teaches on the MBA and undergraduate programmes. On several occasions he received the Best Tutor Award from the Dean of Brunel Business School. Bidit's research is underpinned by his passion to study communities and cultures. He coined and theorised a new concept called ‘digital consumer culture’, introduced a multi-dimensional perspective toward studying acculturation, and developed a novel model of co-creation in emerging economies. Bidit has published more than 35 articles in leading business and management journals.
Digital Business Analytics for Sustainable Operations and Governance:
This talk presents a number of research projects that apply digital business analytics for governance and sustainable operations. Policy Compass is an EU funded ICT project that aimed at developing an open data platform for governments and citizens. A fuzzy cognitive map based policy simulation is introduced to demonstrate how open data can be directly used for policy modelling and impact analysis. In MINI-CHIP project, a big weather archive data is used to simulate weather conditions for liner ships and used to find optimal speed of vessels to minimise fuel consumption and CO2 emissions. On the other hand, DAREED and GREENDC projects apply heuristic optimisation techniques to minimise energy consumption in cities and data centres respectively.

By Professor Habin Lee [Expert in Sustainable Operations] ] - He is a Chair in Digital Business Analytics at Brunel Business School and have received a PhD in Management Engineering and MEng in Management Science from KAIST (Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology). Previously, he gained industrial experience from BT Group CTO for 6 years before joining Brunel. he secured more than 3 million Euros of research grants from EU FP7, H2020 and other international funding bodies to Brunel University London. His research interests include governance mechanisms in online communities and supply chain networks in public and private sectors applying computational big data analytics and process theories.
Sustainable Digital governance in practice: An Innovative Approach to Addressing the Sustainability Challenge in Maritime Shipping:
This talk provides an overview of a research journey centred on the novel concept of ‘Green Scheduling’; starting from basic research and proof of concept to prototyping and field experiments in maritime shipping as part of the EU funded PortForward project. As such, the session will explain a novel and innovative decision support tool, called the Green Yard Scheduler (GYS) to enhance the performance and sustainability of container terminals. We introduce three inter-related optimisation problems regarding housekeeping, container positioning, and yard crane scheduling, each with a combination of performance- and sustainability-oriented objectives. We conclude by presenting initial results obtained from the implementation of the GYS at the Port of Vigo in Spain.

by Professor Afshin Mansouri [ Expert in Sustainable Operations Management] - Afshin Mansouri is a Professor of Operations and Supply Chain Management and the Director of Research in Brunel Business School, Brunel University London. He holds PhD, MSc, and BSc Degrees in Industrial Engineering from Amirkabir University of Technology. Alongside academic education, he has worked for a number of business organisations in the areas of production and project management. Prior to joining Brunel University in 2007, he has held academic and research positions at the University of Tours, University of Tehran, and King’s College London. His research interests include Sustainable operations management; Humanitarian operations and disaster management; Data-driven decision making; and Business analytics. He has received two million euros research funding as PI and Co-I from the UKRI, BAM, and the EU Commission
Sustainable Digital Governance in Practice: An integrative Model of Technology Driven Disaster Management – Challenges and Opportunities :
This session will discuss a novel framework of ‘lean humanitarian supply chain’ to ensure resilient and efficient food distribution, that resulted in an improved collaboration among donors and sustainable food distribution system. The discussion will provide a case study on technology led food distribution and humanitarian supply chain in Turkey, that hosts more than 2.5 million Syrian refugees. The displacement of vulnerable people has resulted in a situation underpinned by shortages of quantity and quality of food products. Efforts are severely undermined by a lack of coordination and cooperation between stakeholders in food supply and distribution systems. The implementation of lean humanitarian supply chain

by Dr. Manoj Dora [ Expert in Sustainable Circular Economy, Food Supply Chain and Disaster Management] - Dr. Manoj Dora is currently the Director of Collaborative Projects and Outreach at Brunel Business School. He is also heading the Operations & Information Systems Management Group.Manoj has several years of experience in teaching, research and consultancy worldwide. He is the founder of “Circular Food Forum” which brings together academic, industries and policy makers to facilitate dialogue and take forward research agenda.Manoj's areas of specializations are Sustainable Value Chain and Quality Management with a focus on Lean Six Sigma in the agro-food sector. His research is an innovative application of cross-cutting operations management theories such as Lean and Six Sigma in the agriculture and food sector which will redesign agricultural production as it is today to improve efficiency and eliminate waste and losses.